UP ISC Research Grants

The call for applications for the 2025 cycle will be announced shortly.

About the UP Intelligent Systems Center Research Grants

UP Intelligent Systems Center Research Grants aim to encourage teamwork and high-impact research across the constituent universities of the UP System, focusing on the application of complex systems, data science, and artificial intelligence on important areas related to sustainable socio-economic development. The grant aims to increase both the quantity and caliber of research initiatives, fostering a greater number of academic presentations and noteworthy publications in these swiftly progressing fields while contributing solutions to pressing societal challenges.

Grant amount

The UP Intelligent Systems Center Research Grant offers funding for two types of research projects:  Regular and High-Impact projects. 

Regular Projects

Regular projects can receive up to PHP 1.5 million per year. Regular projects must satisfy the following criteria:

Preference is given to applied research.

High-Impact Projects

High-Impact projects are eligible for up to PHP 5 million per year and  must meet the following criteria:

While the project funding cap is PHP 5 million, exceptional projects with significant potential may be considered for additional funding.

Priority areas for FY 2024-2025

The call for proposals for FY 2024-2025 is now open. UP Intelligent Systems Center supports pluridisciplinary research involving artificial intelligence, complex systems, and data science in areas including (but not limited to): 

While we encourage and will consider applications for research funding in all these areas, for FY 2024-2025, funding will prioritize three areas in particular (highlighted above and explained in more detail below):

Health and medical sciences

The intersection of data science, artificial intelligence, and complex systems research plays a pivotal role in advancing the field of health. These systems-based approaches enable the extraction of valuable insights from vast and diverse healthcare datasets, facilitating personalized medicine, predictive analytics, and disease detection and prevention. Artificial intelligence, with its advanced algorithms, empowers medical professionals to make informed decisions by analyzing complex patterns and predicting patient outcomes. Additionally, the study of complex systems within biological and healthcare contexts provides a holistic understanding of the intricate interactions among various factors influencing health, from genetic predispositions to environmental influences. The synergy of these fields not only enhances our ability to diagnose and treat diseases more effectively but also contributes to the broader goal of achieving precision medicine and other improvements in health and medical sciences–such a drug discovery and epidemiology–ultimately improving patient outcomes and public health on a global scale.

Supply chain and logistics

Intelligent systems enable a more efficient and responsive supply chain by harnessing the power of data analytics and predictive modeling. Data science facilitates real-time monitoring of inventory, demand forecasting, and optimization of distribution networks. AI algorithms enhance decision-making processes, automating routine tasks, and improving route planning and resource allocation. Meanwhile, complexity science provides a comprehensive understanding of the intricate dynamics within supply chains, helping to identify vulnerabilities and enhance resilience.

Creative sector, cultural industries, and digital humanities

Intelligent systems hold a potentially pivotal role in unlocking new insights and possibilities in the digital humanities. Data science allows for the effective analysis of vast cultural and historical datasets, unveiling patterns and connections that contribute to a deeper understanding of human culture. Artificial intelligence enhances the capabilities of language processing, aiding in the interpretation of complex texts, and facilitating the creation of innovative tools for historical research. Complex systems research helps model and comprehend the intricate interplay of various cultural and social elements. Finally, creative uses of intelligent systems and other frontier technologies have led to an explosion of new artistic genres and practices. Intelligent systems can propel digital humanities forward, enabling scholars, artists, and cultural workers to explore, preserve, interpret, express, and influence human history and culture in ways previously unimaginable.

Important dates

Information session

As part of the UP Intelligent Systems Center launch event and System-wide convention on 12 February 2024, we will be conducting an information session in which we can address any questions about the grant and the application process.



Please download the Guidelines for UP ISC Research Grants Application (FY 2024-2025) document (PDF).

The Guidelines contain the following information:

Information you need to prepare your application

We encourage you to prepare your application by drafting your answers offline in a document. You can use the UPCIS Research Funding Application Preview file provided on this page for this purpose. This file describes all the fields thta you will be asked to fill in the web form.

Budget template

Use the Excel template on this page to format your line item budget. 

Application procedure

To apply for a grant, you will need to: prepare your grant application; register your application for advance review of the UP ISC; and submit your application for CU endorsement.  The application process is summarized by the following flowchart:

A. Preparing your grant application

We recommend that CVs include the following information:
  • Educational Background
  • Field of Specialization
  • Areas of Research Interest
  • Professional/Employment/Work History including significant scientific, technological and/or entrepreneurial activities undertaken
  • Significant achievements (up to 3) related to your expertise or profession
  • Publications in international peer-reviewed journals, books, etc. and creative work (Indicate 3 most important outputs.)
  • Relevant training
  • Fellowships/Grants

B. Registering your application for advance review

You will need to register your application via the Airtable web form on this page. This will allow UP Intelligent Systems Center to do an advance review of your proposal while you submit your proposal to your CU for review and endorsement. Registering your application will also generate the documents you need to submit your proposal for CU review.

To register your proposal for advance review, follow these steps:

If you are having viewing or filling up the form, click here to open the form in a new window. You will need to log into Airtable with a @up.edu.ph email address to view the form. Create an account on Airtable if you do not have an account yet. 

C. Submitting your application for CU endorsement

Submit (via channels) your proposal for endorsement of your Chancellor after you have registered your application.

Include the following documents when you submit your application for CU endorsement:

Your CU should then forward your endorsed application to the UP ISC Executive Director.

Proposal evaluation

See Important dates on this page for when you should expect to receive a decision about your application.

UP ISC will invite its Affiliates and Fellows to review proposals. Reviewers are assigned based on expertise. Applications will be evaluated based on the following general criteria (click each to expand):

Soundness and validity of research design

The grant application clearly states the research problem, providing motivation for undertaking the research. The grant application presents a succinct, clear, and logically described set of objectives and a plan of action. The applicant will be applying or developing sound research methods or tools to address the defined problem; these methods or tools are effectively described. The application illustrates the potential value of the solution or contribution to the research problem, showcasing its impacts within and outside the area/field of study. The proposed project is within the remit of the UP ISC's focus on data science, artificial intelligence, and complexity science, with preference given to applied research. All parts of the application reinforce each other.  

Disciplinal expertise and research management competence

The applicant demonstrates a solid understanding of the literature in the area and previous work related to the research problem. The set of expertise of the project team is well-aligned with the requirements of and problems raised by the project; expertise is neither missing from the team nor are there unnecessary members in the project team. The background and prior experience of the project proponents (i.e., the PI and other project collaborators) suggest that the project will be carried out successfully. The project involves an appropriately curated mix of different disciplines as embodied by the different departments, colleges, faculties, and/or CUs involved in the project. 

Significance and impact of outcomes

The application shows promise for impact in terms of direct benefit to communities and individuals; novel outcomes, inventions, and other forms of intellectual property; publications in high-impact journals and indexed conference proceedings; and/or widely-visible public engagement and research extension events. The funding requested is commensurate with the projected significance and impact of the project. Wider public engagement is considered. Priority will be given to projects that address the priority areas for the call. 

For High-Impact projects, there is promise for continued, multi-year outcomes or follow-up initiatives. There is clear potential for significant impact on policy or industry, and there is a clearly defined target audience or partner. The project clearly addresses high-priority goals such as the UN SDGs, the 2023-2028 Philippine Development Plan strategies, and/or PAGTANAW 2050 facets. 

Institutional equity and growth within the UP ecosystem

Preference is given to projects that involve collaboration across the CUs. The project is likely to lead to continued and/or novel collaborations across different CUs, with pathways for mutual benefit and disciplinal growth.  Financing of the project would contribute to equitable development of intelligent systems research within the entire UP ecosystem and across multiple regions of the country. 

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