Membership: Affiliates and Fellows

Who is eligible to be an Affiliate?

Affiliates must be full-time academic staff at UP. If you are a full-time member of the academic staff at UP, you can become a fellow by submitting your Affiliate profile

What does it mean to be a Fellow?

Fellows are recognized experts in their fields from the wider research community outside of UP. Fellowship is by invitation only. Please contact us if you are interested in becoming a UP ISC Fellow or would like to recommend someone to become a Fellow.

What are the benefits and obligations of UP Intelligent Systems Center Affiliates and Fellows? 

Does my affiliate status need to be renewed?

Affiliate status lasts for a year. UP Intelligent Systems Center will be responsible for renewing your affiliate status annually. 

How do I update my profile on this website?

If your personal details have changed and you need to update your profile, submit a new profile and indicate in the form that you are submitting an update. We will replace your older details with the newer ones you submitted.

Can Professors Emeriti be Affiliates? 


Can Professors Emeriti be Principal Investigators of UP Intelligent Systems Center-funded projects?
